High Level Integration With
3rd Party Elevator Destination Control System (DCS)
Powerful System Integration Features
– Integration with Access Control, Surveillance, Time Attendance and Entrance Control
– Improved Security and Smoother People Flow
– Integration with the Elevator System Directly
– Seamless Integration with Access Control, Surveillance, Visitor Management,
Parking and Entrance Control etc.
– Supports Various Card Formats like HID/ Desfire/ Mifare
– Energy Efficient Elevator Technologies
The Benefits of Using Destination based Dispatching System
Elevators are a necessity of modern living, and destination based dispatching system is playing an important role that system can control various numbers of elevators, depending on the selected control panel. This can improve with smoother people flow, business security and reduce costs (especially for the high building with lots of staff and visitors.).
Improve Security and Smoother People Flow
The elevator control system can automatically calculate the best rate of car allocation, to generate the most effective operation flow to maximize passenger’s capacity and eliminate the lining up solution.

Energy Efficient Elevator Technologies
Elevator control system is reducing an overall energy usage with control strategies to the elevators that are extremely energy efficient. It has improved the elevator controls, hardware, and other systems that not only use less energy, but are much more compact, efficient, and even generate electricity that a facility can use.

Integration – Add Value to the Elevator Control
(Supports Kone, Mitsubishi elevator)
Integration with Access Control, Surveillance, Time Attendance and Entrance Control
ZKTeco’s product including access control, video surveillance and turnstile can integrate with KONE, Mitsubishi, or any other third-party elevator control system to further enhance security and people flow. By integrating our access control and turnstile solutions with the elevator, it benefits the construction from consistent design, flexible personalization features, and enhanced comfort for visitors and tenants.

Integrated with the Video Surveillance (Real Time Monitoring)
The integration can enhance the functions of the 3rd party elevator control including video surveillance, which enables real-time monitoring to the entire area. It allows you to view multiple cameras simultaneously, view recorded images, search through archived footages, play back events, and much more. Remote video surveillance is perfect for users who are often of-site, and therefore not able to be on the local computer system where their IP cameras are connected.

Integrated with the Time Attendance (Attendance Record)
The integration also provides methods to manage, review and edit personnel’s basic information, position information, contacts, and academic background etc.background etc.; it is convenient for managing staffs to easily make use of personnel’s information and save the manpower for manual review of printed materials.

Integrated with Visitor Management
ZKTeco’s visitor management system maximizes your front desk’s efficiency by allowing the receptions to work on other important projects while your visitors sign themselves in. Better yet, it enhances the safety and security of your facility while ensuring regulatory compliance. During regular auditing, ZKBiosecurity goes the extra mile to give you the reports you need.

Elevator Operation Limitation by Timeslots
The integration with ZKTeco’s products also enables to limit elevators’ operation in specific time. For actual implementation, if the elevator control is set to stop operating to go upward between 9:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., Unauthorized persons will only be allowed to go downward even with cards for floor access.

Integrated with Entrance Control
The integration with access control system activates guided transport operation to the KONE, Mitsubishi and other’s elevator destination Control System (DCS) when the user passes through the turnstile.

Supports Various Cards Format
The composition with third party elevator control will be able to handle most RFID cards, such as: EM Card, MIFARE, DESFire EV1, HID Proximity, HID iCLASS, Felica, Tybe B…etc

Valuable Price for the All in One Solution
ZKBioSecurity3.0 is the ultimate “All in One” web based security platform developed by ZKTeco. It contains four integrated modules: access control, video linkage, elevator control and visitor management. It provides the most advanced solution for a whole new user experience.

Integration with 3rd party COP and DOP

Elevator control integration with any ZKTeco’s access control system which can be integrated with the various elevator system. The card readers can be installed in the calling devices such as the COP (Car Operator Panel) or Destination Operator Panel (DOP).

DOP Integration
The integration with 3rd party elevator control allows different users to access floors, it can be assigned with different floor access rights, and unauthorized users are not allowed to access those important floors. In the actual implementation, users have to present card outside the elevator, and the elevator will allow user to reach to the assigned level. This will enable the security management of the whole building elevator access control using the elevator controller installed on each elevator car.

DOP Integration with Entrance Control
By integrating our turnstile solutions with our destination and entrance control solutions, you will benefit from consistent design, flexible personalization features, and enhanced comfort for visitors and tenants.

COP Integration
ZKTeco’s access control can integrate with the COP of the elevator control. Passengers have to flash the card in the elevator, if the card is authorised, they will be allowed to select the level of the building, otherwise, the elevator will stay at the present floor.

COP Integration with Entrance Control
By integrating our turnstile solutions with our destination and access solutions you benefit from consistent design, flexible personalization features, and enhanced comfort for visitors and tenants.

DOP + COP Integration
ZKTeco’s product can combine with DOP and COP of the elevator control, the card readers are integrated with the COP (Elevator) and DOP (Ground Floor). Passengers are selected by the destination before entering the elevator, guide directly to the delectated level and leave office by showing their access card in the elevator to select the building level.
Present card to the Destinated Level (DOP)
In the integration with DOP elevator control, access card reader will be placed outside elevator to allow passengers to flash the card and then travel to the desired travel direction, our integration with the destination control system takes into account desired destination floors.

Present card to the select the floor level (COP)
ZKTeco’s access control can integrate with the COP of the elevator control. Passengers have to flash the card in the elevator, if the card is authorised, they will be allowed to select the level of the building, otherwise, the elevator will stay at the present floor.