Using social distancing
Ultra-wideband (UWB) positioning technology has been developed to prevent The spread of the new Corona virus in the industrial environment. The system contains Detection range up to one meter. By blocking the fine scale, It can effectively prevent close contact between people and perform contact tracing of individuals. If any distance is detected between them Some are less than one meter (adjustable), the card will alert Tag automatically (alert and vibration). in addition to ; It will be done Record every alarm event and contacts can be tracked remotely through the log Contacts. The solutions are optimized for areas with a gathering of people to ensure health Public and safety.

What is the Zkteco social distancing system
ZKTECO social distance alarm system is based on ultra wide area (UWB) positioning technology and is developed to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus in industrial environment. The system has a detection range of up to 1 meter. Through fine-scale prevention, it can effectively prevent close contact between people and perform employee contact tracing.

In specific applications, each factor is aligned with a location marker the range. The alarm system will measure the social distance being followed the range. The alarm system will measure the social distance being followed In case any discrepancy between each other is detected Less than one meter (adjustable). Six cards The sign is automatically (alert and shaken. In addition Therefore, each alarm event will be recorded and contacts can be closely tracked through the contact log

The solution: social distancing
With the solution, each person will wear a wrist tag and alarm, if any distance of tags less than 1 meter is detected, the alarm will be triggered and the signal light and vibration will be emitted, and the relevant data will be uploaded immediately. Administrators can view up to 30,000 contact details and the exact distance between any two people.
• Designate a specific space to reduce crowd density
• Prevent unnecessary gathering

Advanced solution: Contact tracing
Zkteco’s social solution uses zigbee technology to prevent social distancing and monitor people’s precise location. With Zigbee connecting with Gateways, it can locate and monitor the location of visitors in real time, wherever people enter or leave the monitored site, they will be recorded.
At the same time, it can also improve the ability to handle social distance, and each person is aligned with the location wrist tag. Once any two marks are very close, the alarm will be triggered and vibrate immediately. Up to 30,000 contacts can be viewed by computer.
• The system monitors the exact location of all people
• Designate a specific space to reduce crowd density
• If the maximum limit is exceeded, the system will automatically alarm
• Prevent unnecessary gathering

Physical physical stimulation
In order to reduce the spread of viruses, it is recommended that retailers and organizations create an environment that maintains social distancing regulations for the safety of employees.
Our sensors use the latest physical distancing function that allows measuring the distance between people in real time, it helps to comply with protection measures. It is the perfect solution for applications where people collect, for example queuing.

ZKTeco’s solution for social distancing real-time tracking The actual number of employees leaving and residing in a specific area. The overtime alarm can be set by the doctor, nurse or patient. If anyone commits a crime on the site, he or she will be monitored. You can also notify and alert the user