3000 face templates and 4000 fingerprint templatesHigh-speed multilingual verification– Advanced and user-friendly userinterface
– Optional built-in backup battery .
Provides approximately 4 hours of continuous operation

– New firmware for Framework.
easy to extend functionality and customize client requirements

– One face template is registered for one user only
Able to detect whether a face is a real face or an image.
which enhances the security level of verification

> uFace402 Multi-metric time and attendance face and access control supports up to 3000 face templates, 4000 fingerprint templates and 10000 cards (optional).
With ZKTeco’s latest hardware platform and algorithm.
they offer a brand-new operation interface and intuitive user interface to provide a seamless user experience.W With advanced face algorithm and multi-biometric verification technology.
the security level of device verification is greatly improved.

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